Important Properties

1. The long pores provide significant surface area. As a matter of fact, 1 gram of Biochar Now biochar has a surface area of about 400m2.

2. Our biochar has a cation exchange capacity that electrostatically attracts certain types of molecules in the soil, air and/or water. The molecules are bonded to the biochar walls where roots can access them throughout the growing season. The biochar becomes a nutrient-rich, time-release capsule for plants and is a major reason why Biochar Now biochar is so effective enhancing plant growth.

3. Our biochar has been tested for water sequestration and found to hold 5.6 times its weight in water. And, because the pores are very long compared with their openings, there is very little evaporation (see fig 1). When roots do not consume the sequestered water, it is held for long periods of time.

4. To soil microbes, cleaned out our biochar pores look like a concrete condominium complex (see fig 2) so they move in to set up a community. Once embedded, they are protected from precipitation that would otherwise disperse them. With Biochar Now biochar, microbes flourish and help create living soil.